Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Doodle Book: Post 1

Dudes and Dudettes of Bloggerville,

Welcome to my doodle book! On the 31st of May, I committed to a daily doodle, with the idea in mind that I would be posting all of them here--the wins and the losses (since it seemed inevitable that there would be a little bit of both).

I like sitting down to a drawing and having no idea of what I want to make. I believe in doodling, in drawing for fun, in staring a drawing with no agenda, in letting a line or a shape tell me what it wants to be and then letting something happen. Be warned, fellow adventurers, this method doesn't yield consistent results (as you may note below). But it's liberating not to have to drive all the time. Some of the drawings below I don't even like, but I feel like I've made some cool discoveries and stumbled upon drawings that I wouldn't have made otherwise.

I'll keep posting all the pages until I fill up the whole sketchbook, and we'll see if this takes us someplace interesting (or regrettable). Only time and a little ink will tell!

*Also I've decided it would be cool to do a little raffle every time I make a Doodle Book post. So please leave comments below, and I'll select a name at random to send an original doodle to. Everyone likes free prizes, right? Comment away, and an experimental (and possibly failed) doodle could be making its way to you post haste! *

Anyways, I hadn't intended for this to get so long-winded. On to the doodles!

19 May and 29 May

31 May and 1 June

1 June (landscape)

1 June and 2 June

3 June

4 June

4 June

5 June

6 June and 7 June

7 June and 8 June

8 June

9 June

9 June (landscape)

10 June

11 June

12 June

13 June

14 June

14 June


Tyson Murphy said...

FIRST! I WIN! wait, is that how this works? Give me a doodle. I know where you live. kinda.

But freals, great stuff anferny. Beautiful inking... I think I'm just about settled enough here in cali to start doodling daily, as well. Thanks for your example, my friend.


Meredith Moulton said...

Very cool! The idea of a daily doodle is awesome maybe I should try it. You came up with some really interesting characters here, I love it!

Nate Villanueva said...

oh snap a free drawing?! what a treat. you know you could make a killing selling these. well i want one. gimme gimme gimme!

Frankie Swan said...

unbelievably nice

Rich Hatlestad said...

Wow, as always, amazing stuff. I don't see a single "loss/fail" in any of them. Every time I come to your blog, I am instantly inspired, looking forward to the next post!

Jeff Call said...

I DO like free prizes!

Jeff Call said...

Also I heard somewhere that 2 comments yields 2 doodles. Can you confirm or deny this?

But seriously, these are fun and inspiring. I really want to doodle right now.

JAKE WYATT said...

Randomly select me.

Cheryl Johnson said...

Me me me! Pick me!

As always I loves your stuff, Brother Holden, even the "failed" ones.

James Bourne said...

You know you want to send that doodle to me, Anthony baby ;)

Michael Mercer said...

You're on. Doodlebook ho! I mean ho as in like land ho. I wasn't calling you one. :)

Aaron Ludwig said...

Reverse psychology, GO: Don't pick me!!!
Normal psychology, GO: Awesome stuff here. Each one packs a story.

sam said...

Love the doodles. You are an insperation.

Worth Dayley said...

Gettin' in on dis.

I miss watching you draw in church. Baseball-playing monsters made meetings less lame.

Unknown said...

these are great! awesome stuff.

rad sechrist said...

I'm really not seeing a single loss, just a bunch of wins! Freaking awesome!

John S. said...

Inspiring work! I love them all!

Josh H. Black said...

I agree all wins! I'm always partial towards your caricatures of old people Awesome Work!

Unknown said...

I'm diggin these!

monkeyfeather said...

Fantastic, inspiring sketches man!

Gio M. said...

killer doodles sir! Definitely worth eye googling over..

Michael said...

Thank you for posting these. Now I don't have to steal your sketchbook. ( I know where you sit... )

Anthony Suarez Jr. said...


Madeline K. Rupard said...

WOW these are good. I love the chef and the chick with the cat.

Rachel said...

I might have to steal this artistic regimen and learn to loosen up more. These are way fun.

samacleod said...

Dude, you're crazy. I would buy this stuff. I should have ripped out my favorites pages before you posted this ;)

Megan Nicole Dong said...

Oh my goodness, now you're giving out prizes?! All of these are gorgeous by the way and you could totally sell 'em! Great, great stuff.

Madeleine said...

Gosh. I was going to comment and say which was my favorite, but...I can't even pick. I like your superhero stuff and the Tron-wetsuit-pirate... And yeah. Guy playing clarinet... Etc. It's all good!

amateur idler said...

Yes, I can say with assurance that free prizes rule. Thanks again for the print! It now sits in a place of honor on the bookcase.

Unknown said...

These are really nice. I don't notice the losses, they all look like wins. Really like the idea of posting everything. Nice to see into another's mind that way...

Now you're making me want to take the challenge as well.

Jared Scott Greenleaf said...

dude. doodle me an Iron Man. And I'll doodle you something.

Unknown said...

gosh! how lovely...

Alexandre Augusto Ferreira said...

These drawings are superb!

"TORI CAT" said...

Love your blog!
You have great work!!
So nice to see your sketch book stuff!!
Very inspiring!
I'll come back soon!
Thanks for sharing!
Best wishes,
Tori Cat.x

Carrie Liao said...

Aw beautiful sketches! And you're giving doodles away? It's like you're robbing yourself!

Melissa Ballesteros said...

man what a great sketches you have in here, love them

Christina Faulkner said...

I love the simplicity and confidence in these inks.

The Illustrious and Illustrative Sketch Adventure Lifestyle of Anthony Holden. Cartoons, Sketches, Character Designs, Storyboards, Comics, Illustration, Animation, Silly thoughts, Intermittent Posting, and Arbitrary Capitalization by American animation artist, Anthony Holden. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
All content on this page copyright 2007-2011 Anthony L. Holden. Do not use without permission, except for purposes of review.